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Education Stipend Programme for the Student with Disabilities

Programme Name: Education Stipend Programme for the Student with Disabilities

People with disabilities are an integral part of society. Along with the development of civilization, there is a noticeable change in the attitude and sense of responsibility of the family, society, state and the world community towards the disabled population. Recently, various countries have taken various steps for the welfare and development of disabled people and have pledged to take different plans on disability issues in international forums. As a part of its constitutional responsibility to provide social security, the government is implementing the 'Education Scholarship Scheme for Disabled Students' through the Department of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare.



Articles 15, 17, 20 and 29 of the Bangladesh Constitution provide equal opportunities and rights to persons with disabilities along with other citizens. Article  15 (d) of the Constitution states that the right to social security, i.e. the right to receive government assistance in the event of poverty due to unemployment, sickness or disability or widowhood, parentless  or old age or similar circumstances. Schedule 11(a) of the Rights and Protection of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2013- provides for ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities, particularly destitute and helpless children with disabilities, women with disabilities and elderly persons with disabilities, in the existing social safety net and poverty alleviation programmes, on a phased basis has been As a backward section, Bangladesh government is giving special importance to disabled people. As a part of its constitutional responsibility to provide social security, the government is implementing the 'Education Scholarship Scheme for Disabled Students' through the Department of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare.


In order to establish the constitutional rights of the disabled people and to help the poor, helpless, underprivileged disabled children and adolescents to get education, the 'Education Scholarship Program for Disabled Students' has been introduced from the financial year 2007-08. In the beginning, the number of students receiving stipends in this program was  12 thousand 209 people; The monthly stipend rate was Tk.300 at primary level, Tk. 450 at secondary level, Tk. 600  at higher secondary level and Tk.1000 at higher level. The number of students receiving stipend and the rate of stipend has also been increased gradually. At present  900 taka are being paid at primary level, 950 taka at secondary level, 950 taka at higher secondary level and  1300 taka at higher level.


Aims and Objectives of the Programme:

1. Social protection, welfare and development of disabled students;

2. Empowerment and gradual mainstreaming of students with disabilities;

3. Increase morale by educating students with disabilities in educational institutions, increasing attendance rates, preventing dropouts;

4. Increasing the participation rate of children with disabilities in national development;

5. Inculcating social values and morals among students with disabilities;

6. Encouraging the interest of poor students with disabilities in higher education by increasing their interest in education;

7. To play a role in achieving various goals by including in the short, medium and long term plans adopted by the government for the welfare and social protection of students with disabilities.